Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts

Saturday 23 December 2023

The One where our hearts broke…

Hey y’all!

How’s it been? 

If you know me, then you know how much I have loved and continue to love the sit com ‘FRIENDS’. 

I have watched every one of the 10 seasons and 236 episodes of friends that aired. From ‘The one where it all began’ to the last one also known as ‘The one where they all say goodbye’

I had the CDs, I had the DVDs and when I could, I downloaded all episodes and then I had a monthly subscription of HBO Max just so I can watch friends anytime I felt like. I honestly would go months without watching anything but friends on that app.

I know for sure I have watched every single episode at least 3 times. I'm pretty sure its way more than that as it has been my go to show for when i need a laugh, when I am bored, when I am in my feelings, whiling away time, or i just need the tv on. 

Yup, I love FRIENDS that much. I don’t think there’s an episode I did not love.

I love all the characters but my faves from the very get go have been Chandler and Pheobe. I absolutely love his character, his mannerisms, his facial expressions….njust everything about the character. Plus for some reason, he kinda reminds me of my uncle P. Maybe that is why I got drawn to his character. Who knows? What I know though is that Chandler Bing always made me laugh. I love Chandler Bing.

Now imagine my shock when I woke up on that fateful day to read that Matthew Perry had passed on.

I was pained. It hurt so much as though I knew him personally. The only other celebrity death that moved me to tears was that of Chadwick Boseman, I know, I know, let’s not even talk about that for now. 

Matthew Perry died not long after he wrote a book. In the book, Friends, Lovers and the Big Terrible Thing: A Memoir he talked about the years and years of struggle with drugs and also about the peace he found in sobriety. I have not read this book but I have read review and seen snippets of his book tour.  I feel sad that he died at a time he chose to open up about this with the intention of helping others who have the same struggle.

It is crazy seeing what drug addiction has done and is doing to people, and we all may know one or 2 persons struggling with addiction or even have them in our families, I pray they get the help they need before it is too late. Most importantly, I pray they want the help to make it right.

Indeed, if this were an episode of Friends, it would be titled ‘The One where our hearts broke’


Tuesday 8 January 2019

HELLO 2019!


Hello people!
Feels good to be in a new year, right?
How did you ring in the new year?
Did you join others to "take out the trash"?
Were you someone's trash that was  taken out? *better observe and be sure oh*
Have you made your "new year, new me" declaration?
Have you already broken some of your resolutions?
Did you just stroll into the new year without much thought?

And I hope you did not finish all your savings oh? I hear January has about 72 days now and my account already feels like the 3rd week of the month...
 *wipes lone tear*

I ended 2018 well! And I must say it was a wonderful year. The year 2018 was good to me. God made the year good to me and so I ended it in thanksgiving.

Though my first couple of days in 2019 were not as cool as I wanted them to be, I am super thankful to have made it to 2019 and I am looking up to God for a better year than I had in 2018; I believe this year will be great.

Ehen, so the holidays are over, the year truly begins: I know we all have plans for  the year and I personally believe that how it goes largely depends on us as individuals through the goals we set, the plans we have for the year etc. Do you have a goal or goals for the year? How do you plan to achieve these goals? Is it something you can do on your own? Do you think you will need help? If you will, do you know where to seek such help....?



So I sat with my friends over suya the other day and we talked about all these. We answered the above questions individually and we came to the realization in addition to all these plans and set goals, we have to be deliberate in all we do and we also have to find accountability partners....someone that will motivate and help push you to be better, push you to continue on the path to achieve that which you want. 

We decided that being deliberate with our actions in the pursuit of what we want is a great way to go (see how we have sense?). To be deliberate in our work, with our faith, in our quest for greatness, in our jobs, in our businesses, in our choices for a spouse, in who we choose to deal with, in who we choose to be friends with, we have decided to be deliberate with our words, we even decided to be deliberate in looking for trouble.

In this year of our Lord 2019, we should press and deliberately keep pressing on to the mark that we have set and surely, we will get there; even if we do not get it all this year, we go still dey alright...

I wish you all a happy, blessed and prosperous 2019!

Please ehn, help motivate me to post more often. And follow me by email to enable you get notified of most recent posts on the blog. Also, kindly follow the blog Instagram @virahvira; I put up some stuff that do not make it here.

Thank you all for being part of my blog, please, please, please, keep coming, keep reading, keep commenting... I just might get a Bentley and take you for a spin. *wink*

Friday 15 September 2017


I woke up today and decided to write, then it happened. I went blank.

I have been staring at the laptop for a while now and was about to shut it down and give up on putting anything down *again* when I reached out to my yellow friend who helped me out. My dear dear Yellow said start by writing 'I woke up this morning and decided to write...'

So.... I woke up this morning and decided to write. Again.

Errmm, that is not entirely true though. I did not just decide to write today, I  have been trying to write for a while but for some reason, I have not been able to. I have written countless posts in my head; really interesting posts I tell ya! But I have not been able to transfer any of those to the blog. But today, I am doing this!

Yellow said it is 'writers block' but I think somebody's village people are behind this 'block' because I don't write anything serious enough for any blocking to be taking place. So, yes people of Kwajjafa, una weldon. *owner of village can come claim their village*

Moving on from Kwajjafa people.
I am finally writing and not just in my head, but on the blog. *yay!*
Oh blog, I have missed you.
Notice the new look? You like? *please say yes*

It feels amazing seeing that some of you have been checking on the the blog despite the fact that I have not posted anything in over a year! Can you believe that? Its been a year since my last post! Thank you for stopping by. Really, thank you and sorry for disappointing you by not putting up any gist, photo, prayer, song, random fact, amebo, serious thought provoking *wink*, mind boggling gist information. Really, I am sorry.

I feel like I let myself down by not following through whenever the thought of putting up a post came up. It is almost like thinking about a friend we know we should check up on but somehow, we never do then time keeps going and before you know it, its ages later and you are embarrassed to call this friend to tell them the color of your asoebi because....well, not keeping in touch.

Life happens and we all have a lot to deal with *this adult life ehn?* but we never know when that 'hey big head' or 'hey chicken legs' would go a long way. *pssst, if you are always nice while hailing your peeps, check that friendship well, e fit never done*. Ehen, as I was saying, a call, sms, bbm, watsapp, imo, etc to a friend every now and then could go a long way. If you have not said hey to a friend for a while, please pause and send that 'Hey' then come back to finish reading this up. Please come back oh!

Let's not wait on being the best we can to our friends. This is not saying we have to reach out everyday *no data for everyday hello because.....recession* but reach out. You never know when that hello could save a life, give hope, call for a prayer or simply put a smile on someone's face.

You know your friends, the ones that will ride and die with you, I call mine the Ushers *wink*, I have got my SIP. See my friends? My BFFs, the Ushers? Their head is not correct but I love them to the moon and back. No, we don't talk everyday but at any time, I know these sisters have my back and I will never take them for granted. They know me, they feel my pain, they share in my joy, they give me the worst advice ever, they cry with me, they steal from me, they love me, they mock me, they pray with and for me and they cannot wait to groove with me!

Please check on your friends and remember you got this advice from Vira so pop in here and check on the blog when you check on your friends and if you don't have any friends, make this blog your friend. I promise not to go another year without a post. I will not disappoint you anymore, I promise on the legs of Garkuwa people to come with gists for y'all.

So yeah, Holla! I am back.
Who wants a box of delicious donuts?